The famous properties of the thermal water of Caldes de Malavella, which was offered at the thermal spas, meant that those who were not lodging at those establishments also wanted to have access to it, and this led to it being bottled and distributed to many places. In this way, the patients who did not have the luxury of going to thermal spas were able to benefit from the effects of this water by following a treatment from home.
The platforms of the Sant Grau Gardens were built in the 1910s by Pau Estapé, a businessman from Maresme, who in 1902 acquired Sant Grau Hill to exploit its waters. The Sant Grau gazebo is home to the La Roqueta or Sant Grau Fountain. Another hot spring source flows inside the platform that is a few feet away, the Hospital hot spring source.
The waters from these hot spring sources are currently bottled under the brand names San Narciso and Imperial.Other inaccessible hot spring sources are those exploited by Vichy Catalan at Las Ànimes Hill. These are Cantera, Gran, Xica and El Fetge hot spring sources. Finally, another hidden, but accessible, small hot spring source is Prats Thermal Spa, located inside a small construction in its garden.