Prats Thermal Spa began as a small thermal baths that were founded by the Prats family to make use of the water from the La Mina hot spring source. The growing phenomenon of the summer holiday led to the construction of the current building in the town centre during the second half of the 19th century.
The new building, eclectic in style, which is characterised by the use of architectural elements from different eras, had to be extended in 1912 in accordance with the project of the architect Eusebi Bona i Puig. It was at this time that the old entrance was replaced by the current one. Next to the thermal spa, several small houses were built as holiday accommodation; these were demolished a few years ago. Prats Thermal Spa bottled “Prats Thermal Spa Water” on a small scale until increased demand for sparkling water led to Prats Thermal Spa merging with Soler Thermal Spa to create a new bottling operation called “Agua Malavella” using the water from the La Mina hot spring source. This caused a change in how water from Caldes was considered: in addition to consumption aimed at medicinal treatments, from that point it was considered table water, with the consequent increase in demand. The bottling plant was acquired in 1985 by the company S.A Vichy Catalan.
L’Oficina de Turisme organitza un programa de visites turístiques guiades, amb l’objectiu d’apropar els visitants al patrimoni, a la cultura i a la història de Caldes. Cada diumenge de mes una visita diferent!!! Ruta Fonts i Patrimoni, ruta Caldes en Temps de guerres o la visita guiada al...
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